More than 2 million people across the United States lack access to running water and basic plumbing. No single organization can rectify this great injustice on its own.
This is where Vessel™ comes in.
Vessel™ is a collective of changemakers fighting for
water access.
We bring together organizations across the private, nonprofit, utility, and philanthropic sectors
to find solutions to the crisis in our own backyards.
What Vessel™ does:
Provide direction and momentum for the development of a U.S. WASH sector that brings together communities, NGOs, academics, the public and private sectors, and others into a structured coalition for collective action.
Develop strategies to amplify the urgency of the challenge in the U.S. among stakeholders and the general public.
Coordinate policy advocacy efforts to remove barriers to WASH access and improve government funding and regulation.
Define a space to identify needs, share data and practices, and set ambitious goals.
Create and evaluate effective interventions, research questions, technologies, and funding approaches.